Our Vision

We believe it is possible to meet the needs of business while being sensitive to the local area and delivering benefits for local communities.

Our vision is to deliver:

  • A high-quality new business park to drive economic growth and prosperity in Thrapston and the wider area
  • A flagship new facility for DSV – an existing local employer that has been operating in Thrapston for over 40 years and employs around 200 local people
  • Space to attract other major occupiers – creating and safeguarding jobs across manufacturing, light industry, logistics and helping to support a more resilient local economy
  • Flexible space for smaller occupiers – supporting innovation and growth of local businesses
  • The best in building design, landscaping and connectivity – delivering on a commitment to sustainability and enhancing the local environment
  • A development which sensitively safeguards and where possible enhances the significance of the Titchmarsh Roman Town Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM)

Against the backdrop of a climate emergency, we would maximise energy efficiency and use of renewables, and deliver a sensitive landscape strategy to ensure the natural environment overall is in a measurably better condition than it is now.

Alongside this, we are committed to delivering social value beyond the boundary of our site – from creating new green spaces and outdoor amenities, to supporting community projects, working with local schools and colleges, and collaborating to deliver skills, training and recruitment initiatives.

Our Vision


Contact us

You can get in touch with us here.