Update May 2024

A hybrid planning application for Thrapston Business Park (Ref. NE/22/00698/OUT) was submitted to North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) on 20 May 2022 and was validated on 1 June 2022.

Following submission of the hybrid planning application, notification of the Titchmarsh Roman Town Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) designation was given on 18 August 2023.

IMP has amended its hybrid planning application in response to the SAM designation, including relocation of the proposed site access off the A605 to the southwest of the site (with an associated minor extension to the application boundary in relation to the access).

The SAM designation area encompasses the northwest corner of the site where the site access off the A605 was originally proposed, alongside an attenuation pond, pedestrian/cycle facilities and landscaping.

The scheme revisions respond positively to the SAM designation, and seeks to safeguard and where possible enhance the understanding of the SAM.

With the objective of minimising development within the designated SAM area, IM Properties is proposing that the following minor amendments to the scheme are brought forward which, in summary, comprise:

  • Relocation of the site access off the A605 to the southwest of the site;
  • Relocation of one of the principal attenuation ponds;
  • Relocation of the primary sub-station and foul water pumping station;
  • Reconfiguration of plot 3
  • Revision of the pedestrian/cycle access strategy; and
  • Provision of a 'stand-off' to the SAM boundary which further protects its integrity

Unit 1 which is to be occupied by DSV, remains unaltered, as does the ‘Innovation Centre’ proposed for Plot 4. The description of development remains unaltered.

The key updates to the masterplan that are being submitted to North Northamptonshire Council in Spring 2024, together with other amendments in response to consultation comments, are summarised below:


  • Previously the main part of the site was to be accessed via alterations to the existing Oundle Road/ A605 roundabout, which would have increased the size of the roundabout by creating a fourth arm into the site. The revised proposals now instead include the creation a new three arm roundabout approximately 300m south of the existing Oundle Road roundabout.
  • This will provide a new 3m shared use footway/cycleway between the site and Oundle Road which will cross the A605 at a new signalised Toucan Crossing located to the north of the roundabout – replacing the previously proposed footway/cycleway works to the north around the existing Oundle Road roundabout.
  • Works on Oundle Road including the connectivity to the Innovation Centre (Plot 4) and the existing footway have been slightly altered to reflect the new connection to the south of Plot 4 between the A605 and Oundle Road.
  • Due to the change in the site access arrangements, the existing Oundle Road roundabout will not change in size. However, capacity improvement works will be required to mitigate the forecast increase traffic using the A605 northbound and Oundle Road. The scheme proposes to increase the entry width on the A605 and Oundle Road arms to enable two vehicles to sit side by side. The exits will be widened to provide a short merge.


  • The Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) designation has required adjustments to the surrounding sustainable drainage (SuDS) and landform design to successfully integrate them within existing levels constraints.
  • The SuDS principles of the new design remain the same, with a series of connecting attenuation ponds that link with the existing retained swale (drainage ditch) within the SAM. A reinforced planted soil wall (at the northern interface of the SAM and Plot 3A) aims to blend into the landscape, with native tree screening and thicket mix planting acting as a filter for views towards the buildings.
  • Existing boundary hedgerows will be rejuvenated where necessary with new native planting. A series of mixed native species hedges will surround the plots and provide landscape corridors in between the buildings to reinforce the links to the hedgerows and trees to the outside.
  • The central ecological corridor that runs alongside the main internal road has been widened with a planted edge to the road. The position of the swale and pedestrian path have been adjusted to create a more tranquil walking route, with a continuous tree canopy and hedge and scrub planting.
  • Newly created ponds at the new entrance gateway work in tandem with low level planting, signage and potential public art to create cohesive landscape features. Retaining roadside buffer planting combined with new hedgerows and drainage swales will ensure that the existing and proposed elements are all fully integrated into the site.

Ecology and environment

  • The area of the Scheduled Ancient Monument will be taken out of intensive agricultural use and a new wildflower meadow established instead, which will be managed using a traditional cycle hay harvesting. This meadow can be seeded to support a wide range of invertebrates including butterflies and solitary bees, which will support the adjacent ‘Important Invertebrate Area’ identified by Buglife.
  • More trees will now be incorporated into the landscaping scheme, which will provide more shelter and commuting and foraging opportunities for wildlife. It will also help to improve air quality, increase flood mitigation and cool the site during periods of intense heat and drought.
  • The updated masterplan has widened and improved the bat corridor, which is planned as a central feature within the site to link with the establish hedgerows and surrounding green infrastructure and encourage more wildlife in general.
  • The bat corridor will be constructed early in construction phase. This will provide a permanent ‘bat highway’ so that the use of this for foraging and navigation is safeguarded and enhanced.

Noise mitigation

  • A new noise assessment, has been undertaken to determine the potential effect of the revised development parameters, which followed the same methods that had been agreed with North Northamptonshire Council for the previous assessment work.
  • A new, 4m high acoustic barrier along the western side of the A605 has been designed specifically to address noise from vehicles using the revised site access.
  • This new barrier, in combination with specific on-plot mitigation that will vary according to the detailed site layout designs that come forward, has been found to result in the same overall outcomes as had previously been identified.


  • The lighting design and installation will follow appropriate British Standards. The luminaires used have been chosen to provide the required illumination levels, whilst avoiding direct upward light pollution and minimising spill light to surrounding locations.

For further details about how we’ve updated our proposals, please click here to download a copy of the panels displayed at our public information event.